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My Weekly Blog

An on ongoing series of what's happening inside and sometime outside 

of my studio

23 Sept Monday

We spent the weekend in Illinois, catching up with the kids and grandkids who were around, and we enjoyed dinner together on Friday night.

On Saturday after breakfast with Allyson (oldest g-dau) we attended the Routt High School Homecoming game, but had to leave when the rain started pouring; however,

they did finish the game with a final score of 41-8.

We wrapped up the evening with reunions for the Routt High School classes of '68, '69, and '70, which was wonderful for meeting new people and sharing fun stories

from the past and present.

This week is incredibly busy with orders, and I'm once again trying to play catch up so if you don't hear from me,

it means I'm knee-deep in fabric and thread.

Below is a brief slideshow showcasing some recent quilts and small projects.

Wishing everyone a fantastic week!


Sewing Tools

10 Sept, 2024

Super busy at the moment.

I have 20+ quilts to get on the frame and

a few orders to get done.

September is already a busy month as I have orders and fall events that I am participating in,

not to mention a trip or two to Illinois

Yesterday was the annual Guild picnic which its always fun to see and catch up with everyone, especially having missed several meetings. The food was great as always and the weather could bot have been more perfect.

This weekend is

Goodlettsville Arts, Antiques & Music Festival and I will be hanging a quilt there :-)

I've been trying to update my website daily, doing just a little here and there,

 as not to take away too much time from my quilting. 

I will definitely try to add some recent pictures soon....thats a chore within itself lol

Until next time, Cheers

2 August, 2024

Great week in Hamilton, Missouri at the Missouri Star Quilt Co.
with my sister Teresa and a great group of ladies from my guild and afar.
More coming soon about our retreat, but now I have to continue with playing catch-up on orders.



July 30, 2024

Great Girls weekend to Riverdale, Missouri to see LUKE BRYAN .

We had an amazing time and

Timber Ridge Nature Arena was gorgeous.


Now that I'm back home I have a lot of work to get done before my next adventure.

Missouri Star Quilt Retreat and then

Becky's Barn for another 4 day retreat.


July 23, 2024



Hey there all. its been a heck of a few crazy months.

I have been busy with quilting and quilt orders,

visits with family and friends.  

Traveled to Maryland, Illinois, Bell Buckle, Grimsley,

Ireland and an upcoming trip to Ridgedale and Hamilton, MO

From sewing to quilting, grilling out and swimming,

climbing scaffolding and painting,

waterfalls and hiking, 

making ice cream and cookies,

skrinky dinks and birthdays, 

the activities on Center Point are never ending.

(not to mention rescuing and burning a kitten in two days time)

Soon as I sort thru pictures and do some editing, I will share 

what memories have been made thus far 

and try my hardest not to stay away so long next time 

Patchwork Design

May 7, 2024

Happy Birthday to TWO of my favorite people. Bailey & Hunter.  Bailey is 15 and Hunter now a teen. Siblings exactly 2 years and some odd hours apart.  We had a fun time celebrating last weekend in Illinois.

Its always someone's birthday :-) 

I've been so busy with orders and quilt shows, retreats and making videos. I've tried, I really have, to get on here to update what's going on but with all that life has to throw my way lately, it's been difficult y'all. 

I finished some tea towels today and a t-shirt quilt, another on the frame to go 1st thing in the morning and one finished and waiting for pickup tomorrow. 

I am however talking off from May 9 - 13 for a Mother's Day trip with just me and the girls.....and we are EXCITED to say the least. I will update and share pics later.

Weather here is starting to get warm, not to mention the cicadas that's made their appearance this past week, which makes me want to just stay indoors lol

The painters have been here this week touching up from the yearly walk thru items and the pool area is YET to be completed. Maybe by the time we have summer guests they will install the umbrella anchors ARG !

I will do my very best to start posting regularly to let you all know what's going on but in the meantime, take care and be safe 



January 2024

I can't believe the month is coming to an end and I'm just now posting my 1st Blog of the year.

I'm happy to say that 2023 ended with my small business doing SO well that I more than doubled both my work load and my clientele.

January has been busy with family birthdays, trips to Illinois.

Online classes, quilt lessons and tutorials.

Organizing my Studio

(lots O' fabric cutting & folding)


I have met and made some great new people, young and old.

Expanded my quilting skills to a whole new level.

Have taken up some serious new Embroidery projects 

(with the use if my new Babylock Triumph) 

I am so excited what's in store for this year.

Upcoming Quilt retreats & shows.

Quilting Sit & Sews

BOM clubs


I'm attaching just a few of the quilts I've done for myself and for customers

Make sure you come back at the end of each month so you can see what's happening on my end of the world.




Sewing Tools

Tuesday 14 November, 2023

I'm sorry I've been a stranger here lately but I honestly have been SO busy.

From tshirt to memory quilts, piecing and cutting and's been non stop, which is great for me.

Yesterday was the Quilt of Valor ceremony which was beautiful as always, altho Im saddened I didn't have a quilt to give this year but for sure the next.

I sold today one of my favorite quilts. (pictured) I know it's going to a good hoe and the person receiving will absolutely was sad though :-(

I am going to try my best to get on here and update more often, however its kind of hard for me to quilt and sit in front of the computer at the same time lol

Until I can post some more pictures...and tell some tales, 



18 September, 2023

Delivered these 2 special quilts to a client and I was so happy to see the look on Beth's face when she open the quilts that we made  using her parents clothing. These will be lasting memories for her and her children.


Sewing Tools

5 Sept, 2023

So much has happened these last couple of months.

I've been extremely busy with orders, family, friends, quilting, quilting & more quilting.

I have also been so busy with trying to learn this new

website platform and its been driving me insane.

My least favorite thing is sitting in front of a computer for hours on end when I could be quilting lol

All the kids started school and I now have a granddaughter

who started High School and one who started college.

They are all growing so quickly and in the blink of an eye theyll all be grown 

Last week I attended my first ever Quilt retreat and I'm so looking forward to the next one coming in November.  It was a great way to meet and hang with other quilters and to just destress from day to day Homelife chores.

Monday 22 May, 2023 

I've been here and there and everywhere.

Illinois - home. Home - Illinois

Missouri, Kentucky, Virginia & Maryland,

I've traveled for holidays, birthdays and graduations.

I'd like time to stand still for a week so I can catch up with my orders lol 

So much quilting with so little time, altho

Attached are a few of my recent quilts

Next up is Allysons graduation & then she's off to

 Murray Univ. of Kentucky.

SOOOO proud of her
